Friday, August 11, 2006


~*Asalam'alaykum wr wb*~

Since I was 14 I've had glasses and because my eyes are really sensitive, I can't wear contacts. My glasses are one thing i'm most vain about. Who wants to wear glasses with shalwar khameez at a party or wedding?! It looks so dorky! The only time i'll wear them is when I have to drive or watch t.v., otherwise i'd rather be "blind." Hey, the world's a lot more rosey without them anyways. Everyone in my world has celebrity perfect hair and skin.... haha. Still, I can't live like this forever!


And lately I've noticed a major downfall to my vanity. Yea I can't see, that's and obvious uh oh, but by not wearing my glasses my eyes strain, thus getting worse! And recognizing people as they approach me has become difficult. I've accidentally started offending people because I failed to acknowledge or recognize them from a distance. And not to mention the fact that I can't check out the eye candy lol...j/k However, (sadly) and more seriously though, I really can't see what potential rishtas looks like at parties. My mom gets so mad because I always have to reply with *shrug,* "Sorry I couldn't see what he looked like."


So now, after little convincing, I've gotten my dad to agree to Lasik Eye Surgery! My mom had the surgery about 12 years ago and Alhumdulillah it's been great, without any side effects or pain. Today I went in for a consultation and the Doctor passed me for the surgery.


LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted IN Situ Keratomileusis and is a procedure that permanently changes the shape of the cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye, using a laser. A knife is used to cut a flap open in the cornea (scary I know!). The knife, I should mention, is very small and my mom said that it feels like a sting in the eye and nothing else. Then the flap is folded back revealing the middlesection of the cornea. A computer-controlled laser vaporizess a portion of this middlesection with small pulses and then the flap is put back.


The entire procedure takes less than 30 mins and is relatively painless. I can't wait to get ridda my glasses and Inshallah next Saturday i'll find out my surgery date!


Madiha :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

power to u homie :-D...abt the time why dont u take me with you? i'll check out the rishtas and the eye candy 4 ya ;)

just kiddign folks, madiha doesnt have "bad gurl" friends, i'm really just here to make things stupidER :-D

Holler back.

August 11, 2006 2:34 AM  
Blogger *Under*Cover*Sister* said...



i've had double glazing on my eyes since i was about 12 ... recently got hooked up with contacts, but now im so used to having something resting on my face, i gta wear sunglasses over m contacts coz it just dont feel right.

inshallah i hope it all goes well.. thats so scaryyyyy ...!! but if it helps in the marriage process then i guess itsss allllll goooooodddd *look*

August 11, 2006 6:53 AM  
Blogger MnM310 said...

anony: hahaha yea sure u can check em out *look*...and did u just call my blog thing stupid :o..Lol

Z! Salaams brat! Finally i see ya on the bloggie, u've been MIA! Yea glasses look cute, but i mean if you have perfect eyesight then u can just wear glasses (god knows y anyone would want to) as a fashion statement anyways. I mean yea everyone says glasses look good on me, but i'd rather skip out :p

under*cuver*sister*: Lmao! marraige process? pshh forget that lol...i wouldnt risk my eyes for the marraige process! {Actually I wouldnt risk any body part for it!} This is all for me :)

haha you guys crack me up, wasalaam :D

~ madiha ~

August 11, 2006 8:58 AM  
Blogger Zaynab Dismantled said...

I know someone who has Laser eye surgery. Its was er my Chemistry teacher [yeah im a geek, shoot me].

I don't think its that bad but since you are conscious when its being performed, i think you get to see what happens on a screen [dunno?] aaand you can smell it when the laser vaporizes that bit. Well i think thats what she told us anyways :p

InshAllah it goes well & i want details when its done :p

August 11, 2006 9:04 AM  
Blogger That Mash Guy said...

my friend got this done last year... he's got 20:20 vision now.. perfect... Good luck with it.. Inshallah someday when I have the money I'll get it done too

August 11, 2006 9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol no u nut i didn't call your blog thing stupid! You Silly Goose. I used the wrong word..eeeeek sorry! i meant, more whimsical? lol i don't knwo, buti knwo i wasnt calling ur bloggie stupid! i Love this blog :-D

August 11, 2006 1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is that none of the Ophthalmologists I know have had LASIK. They all wear glasses or contacts. It's pretty safe, but apparently the people who actually do the surgery don't think it's safe enough. But, they also can't take any risks because they can't work without both of their eyes.

p.s. I'm a doctor, so I sort of know what I'm talking about...but not really.

August 11, 2006 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

scary :o

i hope the surgery goes well inshallah

jummah mubarak! :D

August 11, 2006 3:09 PM  
Blogger Muslim Freedom said...

Yeah, ah, wurd to dat.
I hope the surgery goes well.
My cousin had some lazer treatment for his eyes, its good you get it over and done with.
InshaAllah all will be well, LOL you sound so brave aout it too, I mean most women are scared of things like surgery.


Btw Zahera, why don't you have a blog?

August 11, 2006 3:33 PM  
Blogger Hanna said...

u know madiha, it never fails to suprise me, how alike we are..

firstly, congrats on getting ur dad to agree to the surgery!! im still working on mine!

2ndly, i was like that too.. contacts would irritate and give me a headache and i wouldnt be caught dead in glasses outside my house or out of the cinema where its dark so no one can see.. so i had 2 choices - wear glasses, be able to see and feel crap, or wear contacts, be able to see but have a headache but not look dorky.. i chose neither - and faced the same dilemma as u! deteriorating eyesight, accidentally being rude to people cos i couldnt see them..

anyway. ur so lucky ur getting to have the surgery...

i'll continue to become blind and annoy people for not seeing them!!!

August 11, 2006 5:27 PM  
Blogger Sofi said...

hiya, blog hopping again. you wanting lasik caught my eye. i have had pretty bad eye sight for a pretty long time, and i was interested in getting it corrected via laser, but somehting about attending an evening where they explain the process really put me off. they slice your REAL lense, i just cant bear the thought of any long term repercussions and decided i'd rather faff about with lenses instead. also, it doesnt guarantee 20:20 vision afterwards. i dont intend to patronise you, or implying youre underestimating the process, but its undoubtedly a big step and i hope youve exhausted all avenues before you go for it.

anyway, that being said, if you do decide its for you, good luck.


August 11, 2006 5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you're sure :D

August 11, 2006 5:59 PM  
Blogger MnM310 said...

zay: salaams chica! dude, i'll be sure to give u all the gory details lol.

mash: hey yo homie, long time no see huh? well, i'm hoping to get 20:30 eagle eye monocramatic vision. we'll see though :p

anony: muahaha, i like to see ya groveling there Lol..j/k dude i know u didnt call it stupid like stupid..just pulling ur leg foolio!

Hk: yaay! I just randomly text you today girly! When u coming to visit me again? :) And yea the only reason i'm so okay with the surgery is b/c of all the ppl i know who've gotten it done (including my mom rite?)...gimme a call babe :D salaams.

B'hood: when i'm scared i know who not to come to :p You gonna scare me even more! lol

Muslim Freedom: *ahem* did i just see you say "most women are scared of things like surgery?" I hope you're not implying that men aren't! dude, women have babies....a whole human being, the most painful thing of a lifetime! lol :p

August 11, 2006 7:05 PM  
Blogger MnM310 said...

hanna: haha yea i got soo sick of the headaches! I hope iA you get a chance to have the surgery too! ACtually i think its cheaper here in LA, b/c it kinda started here, so its not that new anymore :p But for now, i have a great trick for seeing ppl who are far away..*wink wink* i dont knw if i wanna say it on mite just be too retarded LOL! :p

ek anjann ladki: hey salaams! yea I've had a lot of time to think about this and now i just wanna have it done and over with! In the long run it saves more money in the end too :p

khadiijah: haha yup :)

August 11, 2006 7:07 PM  
Blogger Muslim Freedom said...

Well if women stopped complaining about having babies maybe they would see what a blessing it is that Allah gave the gift of childbearing.
It must be friggin painful, I don't deny that.
Being a women is hard LOL, a guy gets all the pleasure from intercourse, and the women gets the pain LOL!

Thats a great thing about being a man I guess.
I'll be happy to fill you in on more things, but I know all of you women are breaking something right now as you're reading this LOL.

In all seriousness though, I've noticed that women are more scared about needles and knives.
Not saying that men aren't, but generally speaking women get all shaky over these things.

As for giving birth is concerned, thats something you women have to deal with if you want to have a child.
I've heard speculation that the first child is the hardest, LOL, but that's only speculation I wouldn't know for certain.

August 12, 2006 5:35 PM  
Blogger Itsfarsh said...

My sister has glasses for about an year now and my mom prefers she does not wear them outside.. I think thats rude..

Arent glasses suppose to be a sign of sophistication & mystique charm?

Well thats just a personal opinion :)

Good on you Madiha for getting the nod for the surgery.. I hope its a breeze and you get your 20:30 vision :P

August 13, 2006 12:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh..its gettin x-rated in here ...

August 13, 2006 1:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

salaam,All is from Allah swt,He!He!He!Wish you well Inshallah all will be well,Allah look after you and us

August 13, 2006 4:06 AM  
Blogger Hanna said...

lol...well.. this has taken a rather unusual turn.. from laser eye surgery to sexual relations... wtf????

August 13, 2006 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea...sad innit? this right here is the epitome of lonliness and the reason why parents should let thier kids get married asap :-p ...tsk.... :-p

what am i talking about..i don't even know :-D like stated just here for the stupidity:-D

August 13, 2006 1:17 PM  
Blogger Muslim Freedom said...

Alright so its taken a sexual twist, blame me if you must.
Its always the guys fault LOL.
Lets not get into this debate of who should satisfy who, but like people you have to relax about this, you're all grown ups.

Sister Zahera I agree with what you're saying LOL, but I was talking about the labour that the women has to go through in times of pregancy and give birth, and also raising the child, having to wake up in the middle of the morning, that sort of stuff.

Being a woman is hard LOL, especially being a muslim women.
Believe it or not though, its all due to culture which makes things much harder for women.

Anyway you silly bints! Listen to George Galloway he's on live, right now:

You can also send him your intricate ;) queries on that same website.

PS: Zahera, are you scared of having the FBI monitoring you LOL?

August 13, 2006 3:13 PM  
Blogger MnM310 said...

Muslim Freedom: phew boy u got urself in some hot water w/ those comments! lol Firstly, I don't mean women are complaining about having babies, i'm just pointing out the fact that that is prbly the most freakn painful thing ever. Its a fact and something u guys could keep in mind. And ya wanna hear something that might dispell your ideas of men being tougher w/ the whole knife & needle thing, a doctor friend of mine said that men are often the one's who are weary of getting surgery and needles and the like, not women. Well wutever, i'm glad you enjoy being a man and theres not shame in that of course, just that you should be careful throwing out generalizations like that.

zahera: good points and i know many women who find giving birth beautiful, despite all the pain. (and of course it is beautiful) lol and the whole intercourse thing is just *ahem* a little whack i say! lol

Farsh: Hey salaam! lol no i agree glasses look sophisticated etc, but its just a hassle to wear them in my opinion. But you know my mom sometimes says the glasses things to me too...and i agree, its totally rude! its kinda of sad and makes you think that ur mom can't accept you the way u are...

anony: lol drama can be good :p

zingtrial: walaikm'asalam ameen @ dua

hanna: ahah yea i know, seriously! to each his own! :D

anony: haha wutcha talking bout willis?! who's the epitome of loneliness? lol

muslim freedom: salaam, ain't no one blaming you homie.and u said it first anyways lol. MMMM i'd say ur rite about culture making some things hard for women, w/ all the social pressures as well as the personal one's she must go through. Still, i'd say being a guy today is difficult too. You guys have pressure's at times to live up to a "typical cultural standard" as well. Make a certain amount of money, hve a certain type of job, be able to provide for a family and nowadays w/ the western influences, look a certain way too! So, i guess in the end, there is a balance on both ends, and we as men and women should appreciate what hurdles the other has to jump and not generalize that one has it easier over the other! :p

oOOo that Galloway thing looks tyte..ima try checking it out...jazaks :p

wasalaam all :)

~ madiha ~

August 13, 2006 3:51 PM  
Blogger Hanna said...

About the knife/needle thing.. my bro is totally scared of needles - all 6ft 3 inches of him trembles when a needle is in close proximity.. same goes for my uncles and even my dad (who's a doctor) doesn't like to be on the receiving end of a needle..

August 14, 2006 6:22 AM  
Blogger Muslim Freedom said...

Madiha, or eminem, whatever you like to be called.
I'm not generalising, but like that doctor was obviously trying to make you haps.
The truth of the matter is more women are afraid of needles and knives, much more than men are.
I know that for a fact!

But you can't argue it out with women, because they'll act all brave.
Anyway, lets not get caught up about something so trivial.
I realise this argument might not end in this life time.

LOL, you're right being a man is hard, but the only good thing about it is the freedom. Women don't have the freedom to do anything. Which is conveniant for me LOL cuz I'm a guy, and its a man's world.

For me looking a certain way, or having a certain image. I don't go by the norms, or what the majority of the people do.
Thats not opression, because you're doing it to yourself, and atleast you have the freedom to choose.
For example drinking alcohol, thats something that no one can force you to do.

About having a certain job and making a certain amount of money, that doesn't bother me either.
Its like getting a scar on my skin, I just look at it and say "well I'm not going to be in this physical form forever", I'm gonna die some day, this is just a temporary life.
There is nothing to take serious in this life, its all just an illusion.
When you realise that, you will see this world for what is really is.

Zahera, whatever rocks your boat.
You seem like you have a good grasp of the English language and seem to have a lot of interesting things to say.
You are afraid of something mate, don't try it LOL, what's the point blad? Nah, there must be a reason!

August 14, 2006 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it me or is someone starting to sound a lil like ajerk? or is that your sense of humor? sorry sometimes i don't pick up on certain vibes ...

August 14, 2006 2:07 PM  
Blogger Muslim Freedom said...

Is it just me, or are these anonymous people the biggest cowards LOL?
There is nothing I hate more than some weak ass anonymous person too frightened to put a name behind their opinions because they're afraid of getting ripped.

Zahera, what I'm talking about is that muslim women are heavily encouraged to marry at the earliest age as possible, or forced into an arranged marriage.
Their parents shelter them too much and don't allow them to go to certain places on their own.
Some are forced to wear the hijab rather than be encouraged.
If she talks to a guy her modesty is in question. A guy however can talk to as many women as he wants.
If a women has been married before, and wants to marry again, almost no guy will look at her, whilst a man can marry many times.

Those are just somethings I can think of right now.
I'm tired right now, and the whole world is against me :(
Everyone has to analyse everything I say and take it so personal and get offended by it.

August 14, 2006 7:40 PM  
Blogger MnM310 said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

August 14, 2006 10:30 PM  
Blogger MnM310 said...

Asalam'alaykum wr wb...

hanna: yea dude, same w/ my bro!

zahera: ;) yea u'd out talk the FBI man's ear off :p

Muslim Freedom: asalam'alaykum... Hey come on, you don't haveta get rude homie. When ur on my blog, its like my home and you should make sure to act respectfully towards me and everyone else on here; and as you probably know having proper etiquette (akhlaq) is part of Islam. I go by madiha or MNM not eminem b/c my name doesn't stand for a rapper, so please don't be facetious. I love that you want to comment on the discussion and I allow everyone to have an opinion on my blog even if I think they're outlandish, but still i believe that everyone has the right to be heard. So on that note, go ahead and speak your mind, accept criticism (b/c not everyone will agree obviously), but make sure to take it good naturedly without getting offensive.

On that note, i'm gonna disagree :p lol Not have freedom to do anything? You put, "muslim women are heavily encouraged to marry at the earliest age possible..or forced into arranged marriage"
okay so i think that that was true and is true in some parts of the world today, but today that generally that isn't the case. About 99% of my girlfriends do not have to get married asap nor are they forced into arranged marraige. Yes, it is more likely that they CAN be forced b/c this is a patriarchacal society and men do dominate in various middle eastern/asian cultures. And..i agree that women have more (unfair) restrictions placed on them based on who they talk to and how they do it and thats something the latter generations need to work on correcting, because if Islam is studied correctly, then one will see that there is a balance responsibilities for both men and women that equal each other out.

This is somewhat touching on the post I wrote on "reformed players" where guys are excused for their Haram behaviour b/c culturally its ok. So our job is to correctly apply islam iA and work from there on improving conditions for women in islam.

and..come on no day time emmies given here..the whole world is not against u dummy! lol and don't worry, i dont get offended that fast, but u should be careful how you say some things b/c, especially on the net, since we can't really hear ur tone of voice, some things may come off harsher than you want. okay?

Anony: haah its ok...disaster control is on its way.

Z: lol yea u can comment like a crazy woman all you want on the u dont already :p lol. But, hey! remember that blog idea i gave ya? well i bet it'd be totally cool if u did it *wink wink* :p

OH btw Muslim Freedom: Anonymous (this one in particular) is our resident "ANONY"...she'll always be the same person :)

wasalaam everyone & thanks for commenting!

~ Madiha ~

August 14, 2006 10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep i am the resident anony :-D i dont have a name b/c i chose to not give it not b/c im sum "weak ---" punk as u put it... "Muslim freedom" Gee thats just like anony though isnt it? In fact all it is -is your Blogger ID- B/c it's still anonymous to as who you are, where ur from, what you do and so on and so forth. Indeed you do have it linked to your profile thus also your blog, so your not "totally" anony but hey your still unknown to 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the world innit? ;) so really..your almost as anony as they get :-D

And since i am the resident anony i CHOSE to stick to "anony" b/c the regulars would automaticlaly know it was me..if however i was a "weak ---" anony and didnt wanna be known i wudda gone with a bogus name and/or linked sum1 elses profile (thats how its done homie)

have i pissed you off yet?

Oh and why don't i give out my name? Well i just don't want to? Problem? Get over it :-D cuz i am liek Madiha said teh "resident anony" and i will always be any comments u have abt anony please just direct them towrds "anony" and we'll all know who your talking about :-D

yeaaaaa...soo bring it.

madiha: thnx :)

zahera: smile :-D s'ok, im with ya on this one :-D lol

uh..i forget everything else.. peace out homies..keep it real ;)


August 14, 2006 11:48 PM  
Blogger Muslim Freedom said...

I apologise Madiha for the offense I caused.
It was a stupid comment that came from the top of my head, so I'm sorry for that.
After going to brother GQ's blog about his sister and listening to the surah he has in the background, there was a line which hit me like nail:

"O ye who believe! Let not a folk deride a folk who may be better than they (are), not let women (deride) women who may be better than they are; neither defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. Bad is the name of lewdness after faith. And whoso turneth not in repentance, such are evil-doers."

I am deeply sorry for that.
Alright I do tend to say stupid things off the top of my head, but I'd rather certain anonymous people would point me in the right direction rather than turn the heat up.
I'm talking to you Mr. Anonymous!
Btw, I could have also signed in anonymously and had a go at you, but I'd rather stand by my opinions.
I've exposed myself to everyone here and who and what I am.
Also, had I wanted to attack madiha or you, I could also post anonymously, and no one would ever know that it was me.
That's if I had a vendetta against someone.
Anyway forget it, I'm not that bothered.
I don't usually acknowledge anonymous members, but I thought I'd make something clear.

Madiha btw, I wasn't attacking you, or anyone else.
I said something's that I shouldn't have and I'm sorry, khalas.
As for the anonymous person, I think both our words were wrong, but people always pick up on the wrong things I do.
Nevermind though, its not important.

In regards to what you were saying, those girlfriends of yours I'm sure either their parents are extremely liberal, or they constantly have arguments with their parents, just to get their way.
I think we need to work on women getting some form of rights, but what worries me is some women want too much control, and want to do very little in return.

My uncle treats his wife like a princess, and in return she doesn't do the housework, or look after their children.
I mean she won't even wash the dishes or cook any meals.
Thats going too far, and its not really freedom, its like he's her pet.

Listen, I'll admit when I'm wrong, but you women sometimes have a real problem owning up to your own faults.


August 15, 2006 7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i never said iw as right in my retaliation ;) u jsut got right on under there under my skin.

truce? inshaAllah

August 15, 2006 11:03 PM  

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