All good things must come to an end...
~ wasalaam ~
Asalam'alaykum :) The Oc Meets Mecca describes me; a girl who likes to sport the latest fashions, yet is dedicated to her deen. I recently moved to NYC via LA and am trying to survive law school, InshAllah.
because that is the nature of this world. It is all a sign from Allah for us to not define success or hapiness by anything in this world. Anything we like here should just make us yearn for Paradise, where we will get that pleasure in its pure form.
well..it's the bad that allows us to appreciate the good, right? aw, sis.. are u okay?
What happened?
u ok ji?
iboo: InshAllah :)
Zahera: yaay phone call from LONDON! :P *hug*
hanna: aH i'm good...just a lil bummed..but hey, i'm allowed once in a while! Thanks for asking :)
moumita: *sigh* life happ'd!
brotherhood: now that ur bak on the radar map, alls well lol :P
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